Friday, July 07, 2006

Adam's doing an acting showcase!

I've avoided it long enough. July 31st, it ends.

Casting Works LA does a once-a-month (or once-every-other-month) live acting showcase, where people perform two-person scenes of 2-3 minutes in front of a number of Casting Directors, Agents, and Coaches.

The scenes are also taped, and DVDs and headshots are mailed out to 27 regional Casting Directors and Talent Agents. The whole effort is geared toward showing the caliber of Central Texas talent, and raising awareness of the opportunities here.

Participants are selected by the Agents who represent them, or by Acting Coaches if the actor isn't currently represented.

I've begged off on doing the showcase in the past for various reasons (including wanting to time my participation with new headshots), but no more!

It's time to light it up in front of a live audience of industry pros and a camera that'll capture the performance for DVD distribution to other professionals around the region.

Plus, my scene partner is the amazing Elizabeth Mason, who is so talented and funny and committed, that I'm totally excited about this opportunity.

Look for more info as we approach July 31st.

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