Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Good couple of Biz gigs last night

After waking up near death yesterday morning (Public Service Announcement: Turns out taking expired Roitussin with Codeine can be very, very bad for you), I rallied myself for an important couple of acting gigs last night.

The first was the rescheduled Reel Women monthly "First Monday Mix", a networking get together where I catch up with old friends, settle at a table, and hopefully connect with new and interesting folks.

This turned out well, as acting buddy Aaron Hallaway introduced me to Tara, who seeme to be a really cool, confident, and competent producer and writer (and more). We had a pleasant conversation, and she pointed me to a possible video game voice acting gig (and let me know one of my previous Biz contacts had changed gigs). Tara introduced us to Randy, who is a fascinating writer (and more), who was asking a ton of cool questions about other writers' processes, multi-writer collaboration, and the like. And we had good nachos.

Then it was off (with Aaron, and other buddy Adam Langley) to a fairwell deal for excellent DP Dan Parsons, who's moving to LA. This was a cool shindig, with a lot of talented people, and I got to catch up with a few folks with whom I've done work over the years, met some new folks (a la Dan), and met in person a few more that I'd only chatted with via phone or Email.

I gave out some business cards, held on to others (there are some folks with whom I like to build relationships before pressing cards to palms), and generally enjoyed the evening. I am going to miss , Dan though.

I payed for it last night, though, since I was just so physically spent from the day's physical rackings, and pulling myself together for meeting new folks was bit taxing.

(Seriously. Expired Robitussin with Codeine is bad stuff.)

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