Saturday, November 05, 2005

More magic on the XML syndication front:

I've added a new set of pages to my website -- calendars!

I couldn't find a decent calendar for acting events, video game releases, film & DVD releases, and the like. I was looking for something to which I could subscribe (I'm an active consumer of content, but a often a passive consumer of getting it).

Since I couldn't find anything like this, I cobbled something together (with the help of free service RSSCalendar).

So check it out -- you can look at "All Events"; just "Acting"; just "Film/DVD"; or just "Video Games".

As a caveat, I'm trying this out on a month-to-month basis, 'cause it's a lot of work. So, If you know of a publishable shared calendar that does the same thing, let me know.

You can also subscribe to the calendar, which is a pretty cool feature.

As a matter of fact, I've added a "Feeds" page to the website, to consolidate all of my syndication shenanigans:

And no, this isn't the new hotness at which I hinted at last month.

Fishing for whales is still coming up soon ...

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