Monday, January 30, 2006


That was the title of an Email thread last week between me and a more talented friend.

Last week, for whatever reason, it made me smirk every time I saw the castrated expletive in the subject line.

This week, the word summarizes how I feel.

As a member of the Austin Film Society, I was going to sign up for their members-only University of Texas Radio-TV-Film Department's special offer Master Class.

The Email invite told me "SEATING IS EXTREMELY LIMITED", registration would open at 10 a.m. today, and I had to be logged in to register.

I logged in this morning, went to the registration screen, and refreshed the page constantly until 10 a.m., when registration went live.

My browser session took 10 minutes to connect, after which I was forwarded to a page that said, "The event is now full."

Makes me wonder if a bunch of AFS insiders did early registration. But, admittedly, I'm feeling pissy.

Why am I so upset?

How's this for a list of possible guest speakers? I'm on the waiting list, but I don't hold out much hope that I'll get in.


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